Tuesday, February 12

THE BLUE SCHOLARS @ Mercury 2/15

Seattle rap duo bring the neo-Northwest sound to NYC this Friday at the Merc and it is your opportunity to see what the buzz is about. By championing a new high intellectual scene in Seattle with fellow contemporary rap groups, the Blue Scholars manage to produce socially conscious rhymes and groovy beats that can work on several levels for their listening audience. By the close of 2004, the duo had pressed their own debut album to sell at shows and with help of local Seattle media such as progressive radio station KEXP and alternative press Seattle Weekly, The Blue Scholars LP was named the album of the year in Seattle. Come out this weekend to see the self proclaimed "true-school" hip hoppers in action.

RIYL: Jurassic 5, Hilltop Hoods, Gangstarr, Common

This is the Scholars opening for Kanye West in Seattle:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just got tickets and were only $10 a pop.